A First-Hand Account of Isolating in a Foreign Country
Emelia discusses navigating a relationship mid-pandemic when your partner lives on the other side of the globe and the experience of isolating abroad. She heartwarmingly said, “In his arms, in the lobby of the hotel, I felt truly happy for the first time in almost two years.”

There’s No Such Thing As a Bad Date
“It may not be the end of the world that I once wore a fancy outfit on a date with a man who was dressed like a dedicated ultimate frisbee player. Most so-called ‘bad dates’ eventually become great anecdotes.”

Respect Service Workers: An Open Letter to Customers
“While I would like to consider myself a hard-worker, a large number of people do not, merely because I stand behind a counter.”

No Expectations
“I was satisfied with what we were doing because I wasn’t trying to get more out of the experience than it could provide. Sometimes the best way to avoid expectations is to give myself a satisfaction minimum.”

How AOC Went From 0-100
“Anyone can create a Tweet, and anyone can talk about misogynistic society, but what most people can’t do is take the next step: act on it.”

Gen Z: Planning an Un-promised Future
“But what if, by the time we’re finally the ones with any authority or power, we’re out of time?”

Adele's "Easy On Me:" A Statement On Marrying Young
“You are allowed to, like Adele, choose yourself and put yourself first.”

Word Police and Expression Thieves
“It’s important to see that changing the language we use is only challenging one behavior. Telling a child not to curse doesn’t mean they will stop entirely.”

Eyes Off the Road, Hands Off the Wheel
“Lately I’ve been trying to take fewer Uber rides to save money so I’ve been walking around 14,000 steps a day on average. Not only do I get a different perspective of SF, I also take a lot of photos to document where I’m going.”

Social Media and Mental Health: A Match Made in Hell
Brianna Skelly observes the pitfalls of social media and responds with a cry for authenticity.

Top 10 Dating Safety Tips
Here are 10 dating and safety tips for women, created by Cora Thornton-Silver.

Beyond Facing Fears
Cora Thornton-Silver examines fear, the urge to be avoidant, and how exposure therapy can be helpful in navigating uncomfortable scenarios.

“Fat” Is Not An Offensive Word. Here Is Why.
Re-frame your idea of what “fat” means with Brianna Skelly as she unpacks the stigma behind descriptive words.

FOMO: Fleeting, Optional, Motivating, Optimistic
Lifestyle contributor Cora offers new meaning to the term “FOMO,” observing it as a beneficial emotion rather than a dreaded predicament.

Let's Talk Women's Health. What Is PCOS?
In a raw and emotive article, Lifestyle writer Brianna Skelly explains the struggles of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and how to maintain positivity whilst living with the condition.

Gen Z: Planning for an Unlikely Future
Lifestyle contributor Meg Stevens discusses the unstable future of Gen-Z.

Life Lessons à la Anthony Bourdain
Sophia Galvez shares life lessons she has taken from the late Anthony Bourdain’s popular food and travel shows.

The Office Days Are Over
Are offices a thing of the past? Lifestyle writer Cora Thornton-Silver discusses office culture and work styles in 2021.

Not Weird. Not Wrong. Just Bisexual.
Brianna Skelly shares her story about coming into her identity as bisexual, starting with two childhood crushes - on a boy, and a girl.

How To Forget a Man In Seven Days
Looking to get over a date-gone-wrong or missed connection? Cora Thornton-Silver gives a day-by-day guide to getting over someone in seven days.