How To Forget a Man In Seven Days

Why should I have to wait for ten days to go by to forget about a weird, boring or bland date? We all sign up for rejection when setting up a dating profile, whether we know it or not. Seven days is as long as it should take to move on. Here are some suggestions that worked for me. 

Day One 

Distract: Go running, do yoga, go for a hike or challenge yourself to a four minute plank and go to bed early.  Rid yourself of any signs of an emotional hangover. We all need a reset every now and then. In order to change your thinking you have to be willing to be active. Cardio always helps to clear my head. Endorphins provide a natural high. Yoga reduces tension, bringing you back to the present and sleep also improves your mood. 

Day Two

Disengage: Delete his text messages, avoid social media, take a vacation. 

Indifference is more strategic than telling yourself you don’t care. My friends often say chasing men is a bad idea; they’re right. I have to listen to their advice in these moments. Also, who has time to invest in someone who is less invested in you? 

Day Three 

Detach: Part three is simple. Don’t make a relative stranger your priority; put your needs first, let thoughts or reminders pass by and knock some tasks off your to-do list. What do you need to pay attention to? In order to keep someone interested, it’s beneficial for all involved to maintain a little distance. 

Day Three: Detach

Day Three: Detach

Day Four 

 Be creative: write, draw, paint, play an instrument, rearrange your furniture, assemble Ikea bookshelves.  It’s possible to turn restlessness into productivity. Work on a project that has nothing to do with what’s on your mind. Put your energy into something positive. Changing your living space feels like pushing a reset button. A sense of accomplishment boosts your mood quickly and sustainably. Find a flow state. Get lost in an activity instead of replaying past events in your head. 

Day Five 

Socialize: Don’t isolate. Hang out with friends, listen to them talk about themselves, ask questions about their lives. Find out the details of someone else’s dating drama. A close friend and I sometimes compare notes on our dates, realizing that we need to reorganize our priorities. 

Day Six

Treat yourself: Get a manicure-pedicure, take a bubble bath, buy yourself flowers. Self-care keeps me serene. Pleasurable activities look differently for everyone. Sometimes alone time is much needed. 

Day Seven 

Get dressed up: buy a bright red lipstick, curl your hair, put on a cute dress or flattering pants. Obviously looking beautiful doesn’t solve everything but it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy if you dress for the feelings you want, as opposed to the ones you have. 

At the end of the week if none of this helped you, make yourself some popcorn, put your feet up and watch the 2003 chick flick How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days. 


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