The Fading Line: Masculine Traits in Female Strength & Feminine Traits in Male Weakness.
Lifestyle contributor Juanita Hurtado-Huerfano describes “the fading line” between what we traditionally view as “strength” in main characters and how expectations of gender influence our perception.

The Paranormal Cirque Left Denver, but a Couple of Doubts Stayed with Us.
Lifestyle writer Juanita Hurtado-Huerfano recalls the Paranormal Cirque.

Life-Saving Hacks for Part-Time Moms and Dads (A.K.A. Siblings)
Lifestyle writer Juanita Hurtado-Huerfano gives you the tips and tricks to taking care of younger siblings.

It is Time for Mad Girl Summer, Fall, Winter...
Lifestyle writer Juanita Hurtado-Huerfano says Mad Girl Season is here!

To Everyone Who Ever Said Cartoons Are Only For Kids: Screw You.
Lifestyle writer Juanita wants everyone to know, whoever said cartoons are only for kids: she’s very sorry, but today she’s going to prove you wrong.