WWE Wrestlemania 37 (Night Two) Review

Once again we head to Raymond James Stadium in Tampa, Florida for part two of WWE’s biggest show of the year. After last night’s performances far exceeded expectations, Night Two will have to be spectacular to top its predecessor.

“America The Beautiful” was performed by country music star, Ashland Craft. 

We are met by hosts of WrestleMania weekend, Hulk Hogan and Titus O’Neil, who address the crowd dressed up like high-class pirates.

Randy Orton vs. “The Fiend” Bray Wyatt (w/ Alexa Bliss)

WrestleMania will kick off with its “spookiest” storyline currently going.

Randy Orton makes his entrance with new white trunks.

Alexa Bliss comes down the ramp and walks towards a giant jack-in-the-box. The Fiend emerges, seemingly healed from his many burns, looks to be back to his “normal” aura. If you could call it normal.

The Fiend leaps off the box and into the ring, immediately pummeling Randy Orton.

Orton is able to hit the hangman DDT, but The Fiend brushes it off and stands right back up. 

Orton hits it again, The Fiend is barely phased. 

Orton goes for the RKO, but The Fiend is able to reverse it and go for the Sister Abigail. 

Wyatt lets go. Alexa Bliss is sitting atop the jack-in-the-box, with black sludge dripping from her crown, dressed in all black. She has made the full transformation to Sister Abigail.

Wyatt reaches out to her, allowing Orton to hit the RKO and slither off with the victory.

Rating: 2/5

Although the action wasn’t bad, I have a couple of issues with this one. Most prominently, Wyatt losing this way devalues everything that he and Bliss put Orton through ever since TLC.

Tamina and Natalya vs. Shayna Baszler and Nia Jax (c) - WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships

The winners of last night’s tag team turmoil match get their championship match, with Natalya getting the upper hand on Baszler. 

Baszler tags Nia in, who then demands that Tamina gets in the ring.

The two are sloppy, seemingly losing their place as they stumble their way through two on two  action.

The match gets back on track when Shayna and Natalya are legal again, showing off their technical skills. 

Highlight: Nia Jax hit a double crossbody over both Natalya and Tamina, but fails to pin the both of them. 

Tamina hits a mediocre bodyslam on Nia, which was played up to be a big moment but really fell flat when Tamina barely got Nia off the ground.

Natalya locks the Sharpshooter in on Nia Jax, but Baszler (legal) grabs the Kirifuda Clutch to pick up the victory.

Rating: 1.5/5

Tamina has been with WWE for over ten years now. She has no excuse to be this sloppy. The same goes for Nia, to a lesser degree, who has been with WWE since 2014. Liv Morgan and Ruby Riott would have been a better winner for last night’s match.

This match wasn’t WrestleMania-worthy.

Sami Zayn vs. Kevin Owens - with Special Guest Logan Paul

Sami hits the ring with a mic in his hand, as he proceeds to introduce famous YouTuber Logan Paul. 

Kevin Owens comes next, and he’s fired up for tonight’s matchup.

KO nails Zayn with a pop-up powerbomb to START the match.

He follows it up with a cannonball but is stopped by Zayn, who hits Owens with a brainbuster on the apron. Huge bump there.

After Owens took a beating for a bit, he began to fight back with some headbutts and followed it up with a Bullfrog Splash. 

A classic “fight forever” moment that Zayn and Owens are known for gets the crowd in an uproar. 

Zayn hits the Helluva Kick but goes for another one, and Owens counters with a superkick. Stunner, pin, victory.

Logan Paul gets in the ring to check on Sami Zayn, but after trying to celebrate with Kevin Owens, eats a stunner.

Rating: 3/5

A really strong finish caps off a good, not great, match. These two have had better, but this one was solid for sure. Glad to see Logan Paul eat a stunner.

Backstage with Matt Riddle and Great Khali

Riddle is shocked by the sheer size of Khali and proposes that Khali open up a giant store. Khali doesn’t respond, but RVD comes over and pretends to translate.

Rating: n/a

Matt Riddle (c) vs. Sheamus - United States Championship

Sheamus beat Riddle on Raw two weeks ago in a physically brutal match to earn this championship opportunity. Let’s see if he can capitalize on his opportunity.

The two continue what they started two weeks ago, throwing some stiff strikes at each other in the early going.

Highlight: Matt Riddle hits a backflipping overhead throw, and Sheamus somehow kicks out.

After some more back and forth, Riddle is able to get Sheamus up for a Jackhammer.

Riddle flips into the ring but immediately gets caught with The Brogue Kick, but Riddle kicks out.

Sheamus hits white noise, and during the pinball is countered by Riddle into a rear-naked choke, which almost passes Sheamus out.

An unfortunate misstep took place when Sheamus went for White Noise from the top rope, but slipped off and ruined the spot.

Immediately made up for it though when Sheamus hit a Brogue on a backflipping Riddle for the victory.

Rating: 3/5

A hard-hitting match that, despite the botched high spot, delivered on its violent promise.

Big E vs. Apollo Crews - Intercontinental Championship - Nigerian Drum Fight

Rapper and actor Wale hits the stage to perform Big E’s theme, as the Intercontinental Champion makes his way down the ramp.

Apollo Crews comes to the ring ready for a brawl.

The bell rings, they both go straight for kendo sticks and just go to town on each other.

Highlight: Big E hits Crews with a huge uranage off the apron and onto the steel steps.

After beating Big E endlessly with the kendo stick, he goes up for a frog splash but misses and crashes through the table.

Big E hits the Big Ending, but before he’s able to cover his opponent, he’s assaulted by the returning Dabba Kato.

Kato drags Crews onto Big E, and Crews wins the Intercontinental Title.

Rating: 2.5/5

This match was a little underwhelming for a No DQ Mania match, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. The addition of Kato definitely soured this one for me.

Rhea Ripley vs Asuka (c) - RAW Women’s Championship

For the second year in a row, Rhea Ripley is in a singles match at WrestleMania. If anyone was wondering, she is a future headliner in this business. 

Ash Costello of New Year’s Day is here to perform “Brutality,” as Ripley is given the full superstar treatment on her way to the ring. 

The champion comes to the ring, spilling charisma on the way to the ring as she saunters around the arena.

Asuka throwing some quick strikes and using her quickness to put herself in the driver’s seat early. Rhea can’t catch up. 

When Rhea does catch Asuka, she does what she can to slow the pace. Forearm strikes and body scissors wear down the champion.

Highlight: Rhea Ripley powers her way out of a kneebar, and while on one leg, turns it into a German suplex.

Asuka buys some time with a huge missile dropkick off the top rope and follows it up with a hip attack and a couple of hard strikes. But she’s unable to put Ripley away.

Asuka locks in the armbar, but Rhea is once again able to muscle her way out.

Rhea Ripley gets kicked in the chest…she asks for more. Asuka obliges. 

Rhea ducks a kick and hits Asuka with Riptide, picking up the win and the Raw Women’s Championship.

Rating: 3/5

A star moment for Ripley. Asuka brought it tonight, showing why she’s one of the best women’s wrestlers in the world.

Main Event: Edge vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns (c) - Universal Championship Match

The match we’ve all been waiting for, the story that has been carrying SmackDown for the last four months, the Tribal Chief defends his yard and his championship.

Daniel Bryan makes his way to the ring, showered with “YES!” chants. He’s all smiles, ready to take what he believes he deserves.

The winner of the 2021 Royal Rumble, Edge, comes out next to a massive roar from the crowd in Tampa, and pyro big enough to light up the state of Florida.

Lastly, YOUR Universal Champion, The Tribal Chief, The Head of the Table, Roman Reigns. Reigns is flanked by his Tribal Council Paul Heyman, and “Main Event” Jey Uso. He is laser-focused.

Ding ding.

Roman goes right for Daniel Bryan. Edge goes for Roman. The three brawl right away. 

Bryan ends up on the outside and immediately eats a superkick from Jey Uso.

Edge suffers the same fate. Bryan eats another one.

Uso gets thrown into the steel steps, rendering him useless. Roman gets manhandled by Edge. 

Everyone is down, but as all three come back to their feet, Uso is helped to the back.

Highlight: Roman Reigns catches Daniel Bryan on a suicide dive, and hits him with an overhead belly-to-belly.

Roman and Edge both go for the Spear, and collide at the shoulder. Both are down for Bryan to hit a pair of diving headbutts.

Daniel Bryan hits the running knee on Edge, and a head kick on Roman, but is unable to pin the champion.

Bryan gets the YES! Lock on Roman, but Edge breaks it up before Reigns can tap out.

DB then locks it in on Edge, but it’s broken up by Roman.

Highlight: Roman Reigns hits a powerbomb on Bryan, throwing him right through the announce table. Edge spears Reigns off the steel steps and onto the floor.

This match is delivering.

Highlight: Edge locks Roman in a crossfire, Daniel Bryan grabs the YES! Lock on the other arm. They headbutt for leverage and Bryan wins out. 

Edge hits Bryan with a spear, then does the same to Roman. Bryan stops the referee from making the three-count, saving the match.

Edge goes for the steel chair and bends it across the back of Daniel Bryan, then Roman. Edge is unhinged.

Edge sets up for a conchairto on both opponents. He hits it on Bryan. Before he can hit Reigns, Jey Uso comes back to stop him.

Roman Reigns gets up and hits Edge with a spear. Then hits Edge with a conchairto of his own.

Roman Reigns pins BOTH of his opponents.

Roman retains the Universal Championship. 

Acknowledge him.

Rating: 5/5

This match had everything. High spots, storytelling, dives, broken tables, chair shots, finishers…this is what WrestleMania is all about.


Rating: 2.8/5

The main event showed what wrestling on the largest possible stage is supposed to look like. Unfortunately, not every match was able to demonstrate the same. The women’s tag match was flat from start to finish, and the opener left much to be desired. 


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