WWE WrestleMania 37 (Night One) Review

It is absolutely amazing to have fans back in the building, there is nothing like wrestling in front of a rowdy crowd. This is one of the first times in the last year where normalcy returns.

The entire roster onstage, Vince McMahon tells the WWE Universe how much WWE has missed them, and officially welcomes us all to WrestleMania.

“American the Beautiful” is performed by Bebe Rexha

Rain Delay

Plenty of superstars, including The New Day, Bobby Lashley, Drew McIntyre and Kevin Owens all did backstage promos hyping up their matches.

After some time for a weather delay, we are officially underway.

“The Almighty” Bobby Lashley (c) vs. Drew McIntyre - WWE Championship

A mega star’s welcome for The Scottish Psychopath, who walks out first for the opening bout. You can see the emotion on his face as he marches to the ring.

“The Almighty” Bobby Lashley is next to enter, flanked by his associate, MVP, looking as focused as a predator in the wild.

McIntyre and Lashley trade blows, unloading on each other in the early going.

These two are true powerhouses. Both Lashley and McIntyre looking to put each other away with various suplexes and throws.

Highlight: McIntyre hits his Reverse Alabama Slam, a rare sight

Bobby Lashley hit his patented on-armed spinebuster not once, but twice. McIntyre was able to fight these off with a trio of Future Shock DDTs, though these were not enough to put Lashley away.

Highlight: Drew McIntyre DIVES OVER THE TOP ROPE to take out both Lashley and MVP.

McIntyre goes for The Claymore, but MVP causes the distraction that allows Lashley to lock in The Hurt Lock. 

McIntyre is unable to escape, he passes out.

Bobby Lashley RETAINS the WWE Championship.

Rating: 2/5

I didn’t really love this match, nor the finish. But there were some really cool powerhouse spots, just two big meaty dudes runnin’ into each other and flying around.

Backstage with nWo and Bayley

Bayley din-dongs and tells the nWo that she actually runs the most important show in WWE, “The Ding-Dong, Hello Show” and tells the Hall of Famers to give her a “too sweet.” Only X-Pac obliges, the rest bail on her.

Rating: n/a

I’m just glad Bayley got to be on the show.

Tag Team Turmoil Match - #1 Contender for WWE Women’s Tag Team Championships

The winners will compete for the Women’s Tag Team Championships tomorrow night.

Naomi and Lana are out first, facing off against the makeshift team of Carmella and Billie Kay.

Mella’s gear is so money, she doesn’t even know it, baby.

Naomi kicked just about everyone in the face, looking like a star in this one. Unfortunately for her, Carmella and Billie Kay roll her up for the victory.

Next out, The Riott Squad. 

After Carmella and Kay attempt to cheat once again, Liv Morgan and Ruby Riott take advantage with a nice codebreaker/senton combo to pick up the win.

Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke are the next team, they are also the first to have an issue on the way down to the ring, as Dana Brooke slipped on the wet ramp.

Liv and Ruby are the longest-tenured team in this match., and it shows with their frequent tags and double-team maneuvers.

Dana Brooke hits a swanton, but Liv Morgan is able to roll Brooke up for the surprise victory.

Lastly, Natalya and Tamina come to the ring with the intention of putting The Riott Squad away.

These two veterans are strong, tough and mean. 

Highlight: Liv Morgan and Ruby Riott pulled off a tag team move that you’d have to see to understand.

Natalya and Tamina hit a Hart Attack, followed by Tamina hitting the Superfly Splash for the victory.

They will compete for the Women’s Tag Team titles tomorrow night against Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler.

Rating: 3/5

This match was honestly way better than I thought it would be. This is a much better way to utilize the multitude of talent than I predicted it would be. Liv Morgan is the MVP of this one.

Seth Rollins vs. Cesaro

Rollins is gonna get swung in circles like 30 times and I’m pretty excited for it. Aside from that, these are two of the best in-ring competitors on the planet, and they might just steal the show.

This is Cesaro’s first WrestleMania singles match in his 11-year WWE career.

He comes out swinging with European uppercuts by the boatload.

Rollins hits a buckle-bomb in the first few minutes, but Cesaro isn’t done just yet.

Cesaro hits about twelve more European uppercuts. He goes for the swing, but Rollins continues to counter the swing on at least 4 different occasions.

Rollins can’t avoid it forever, he gets swung around nine times before Cesaro’s injured arm gives out.

Rollins reaches deep into his arsenal and finds a corkscrew splash off the top turnbuckle, but still can’t put Cesaro away.

After some fantastic reversals, Rollins hits a pedigree but Cesaro kicks out!

Rollins goes for the curb stomp, which Cesaro cuts off with a huge uppercut. 

Cesaro swings Rollins around AGAIN, this time for twenty-three full rotations and the victory.

Rating: 3.5/5

Not only was this match very technically sound and fun, but Cesaro really swung Rollins 32 combined times. I’d be dizzy.

Backstage with Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode

When asked who they predicted would be victorious in the Raw Tag Team Championship match, they both refused to be against AJ Styles, who is tagging with Omos.

Rating: n/a

The New Day vs. AJ Styles & Omos - Raw Tag Team Championships

Big E gives his New Day boys a signature “Don’t you dare be sour…” introduction, as Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods make their way to the ring.

Next, Styles and Omos come down the ramp. Omos isn’t wearing ring gear, he’s just wearing his usual street clothes. But when you’re seven feet tall, does it really matter?

Styles pretends like Omos is gonna start the match, but it’s AJ who will start this one off against Kofi Kingston.

Despite The New Day being very much in the fan-favorite role, they are cutting Styles off from his partner like a typical heel tag team would. 

They continue to demonstrate their superior tag team experience, not allowing Styles to create any separation.

After a long tease, Styles is finally able to tag in Omos.

Woods attempts to chop down the tree, and just bounces off of the giant. Kofi gets slung around. Omos has been waiting months for this.

Omos is absolutely destroying The New Day.

Highlight: Styles leaps off the shoulders of Omos, hitting a Phenomenal Forearm on Woods.

Omos hits an enormous powerbomb on Kofi and pins him with one foot for the victory. 

The championship looks like a toy in the hands of Omos.

Rating: 3/5

This match was like playing a video game. You are The New Day, playing on easy mode against Styles. But once Omos was tagged in, the game adjusted to Hall of Fame.

Shane McMahon vs. Braun Strowman - Steel Cage Match

Let’s just remember, this match is all about Shane calling Braun “stupid” for like 6 weeks.

Before the match began, Elias and Jaxson Ryker jump Braun Strowman on the outside with a steel chair. They then pass it to McMahon who continues the assault.

After Shane gets the chair taken from him, he starts delivering the flurries of body blows.

Although the body blows hurt Braun, he continues to go on the chase every time Shane tries to escape.

Once Braun finally gets his hands on Shane, he beats Shane senseless. The earlier assault, however, leaves Braun weakened at the knee, a consistent target for McMahon.

Highlight: McMahon goes coast-to-coast on Braun, almost putting him away.

Ryker and Elias attempt to heave Shane out of the cage over the wall, but Braun is able to knock the two intruders off the wall entirely.

Shane managed to find a toolbox in the corner, hit Braun with it, and escape one the top.


Braun rips the fencing off and pulls Shane back into the ring through the fence. 

They both end up at the top of the cage, and Braun throws Shane off the top of the cage. 

Braun re-enters and pins McMahon.

Rating: 2/5

Despite the very cool moment of Braun ripping through the cage, this match was a lot like the buildup to it. Boring and awkward.

Bad Bunny and Damian Priest vs. The Miz and John Morrison

A parade of bunny mascots come down to the ring, I’m having flashbacks to Adam Rose.

The Miz and John Morrison come to the ring rapping their “hit single” “Hey Hey, Hop Hop”

Damian Priest makes his way to the ring, then Bad Bunny approaches the stage on a Mack truck with Puerto Rico plates on it, surrounded by pyro.

WWE is pulling out all the stops for the presentation of the Grammy winner.

Priest starts the match, but Miz and Morrison insist that Bad Bunny start the match. Priest tags in Bad Bunny, surprisingly quickly.

He’s visibly nervous, but I’m sure he’s incredibly excited to be in there.

Bad Bunny catches Miz with a quick jab, then a flurry, which frustrates Miz.

Miz charges in, and gets taken down by Bad Bunny, but The Miz regains control.

Not for long, as Bad Bunny flips out of a hip toss and hits Miz with an arm drag, a drop toe hold and a magistral pin combo for a near fall.

Bad Bunny continues to roll, hitting Miz with a headscissor takedown, the rocking Morrison with a headbutt.

Miz and Morrison take control with a series of cheap shots, thus beginning the dismantling of the musician.

Highlight: Bad Bunny hits a huge tornado DDT, allowing the space to tag Damian Priest in for the first time.

Bad Bunny and Damian Priest hit Falcon Arrows in stereo on Miz and Morrison.

The Miz hits the Skull-Crushing Finale on Priest, but Bad Bunny breaks it up.

Highlight: Bad Bunny hit John Morrison on with a CANADIAN DESTROYER ON THE FLOOR. Are you kidding me!

Bad Bunny then tags in and hits The Miz with an assisted crossbody off the top rope.

I’m in shock.

Rating: 9/5, 36/5, broken scale. Jesus.

This wasn’t your typical fan service, celebrity pandering, popcorn match. Bad Bunny brought it tonight. It is clear how seriously he took his in-ring training in recent months. Priest played his part, and Miz/Morrison worked their asses off to make Bunny look like a star.

Main Event: Sasha Banks (c) vs. Bianca Belair - SmackDown Women’s Championship

The first women’s singles match to main event WrestleMania. The first WrestleMania to be headlined exclusively by people of color. This is history.

Bianca Belair and Sasha Banks stand across the ring from each other, Belair is damn near crying. Sasha Banks is smiling through her emotion. The magnitude of the situation is too large to ignore.

Both superstars go for their signature moves early, neither are able to capitalize.

Highlight: Banks hits a clean suicide dive on Belair outside the ring. Belair rolls through, presses Banks over her head, and carries her all the way up the ring steps, and throws her over the top rope.

Sasha Banks uses the long braid of Belair to take control, kicking her in the face numerous times while holding that braid.

Highlight: Bianca Belair capped off a rally with a standing shooting star press for a near fall.

Belair went for the 450 splash, but Banks got the knees up into the gut of the 2021 Royal Rumble winner.

Sasha Banks is pulling out some innovative offense in this match, I have no idea how she continues to get better.

Highlight: Sasha Banks locks in the Bank Statement with added pressure from Belair’s own braid.

Belair hits the 450, but Banks kicks out. Belair loses her composure, emotion is taking over.

Highlight: Banks reverses the KOD, but Belair whips her in the stomach with her long braid.

Belair hits the KOD for the victory, and Belair raises the championship over her head as tears stream down her face.

Rating: 5/5

This match was just…wow. What a way to end Night One of WrestleMania.


Rating: 3.4/5

This was a really good show, and outside of the match between Shane McMahon and Braun Strowman, I am very satisfied with the action overall. An incredible match closed out the show, those two women made history tonight. Cesaro and Seth Rollins, Liv Morgan, Omos and most certainly Bad Bunny, these folks especially brought it tonight.


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