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WWE Monday Night Raw Review - March 29

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Drew McIntyre is backstage in a pre-recorded interview with Sarah Schreiber, acknowledging the bounty put on him by Bobby Lashley last week. He promises a good old Scottish ass-kicking to anyone who tries to cash in on that bounty.

Rating: 3/5 

Credit just for last week’s through-line leading us directly into this week’s episode.

In-Ring with The Hurt Business

Out come The Hurt Business, looking like a million bucks in their three-piece suits, led by The Almighty WWE Champion, Bobby Lashley.

MVP is on the mic, he’s excited to see Lashley walk IN and OUT as WWE Champion in just two weeks at Wrestlemania. 

Bobby Lashley hops on the mic, and he clarifies his generous offer made to the Raw locker room last week. If anyone takes out McIntyre before Wrestlemania, that person will be awarded with a title match of their own at WrestleMania.

After showing highlights from Cedric Alexander and Shelton Benjamin’s loss last week, Lashley begins to berate the tag team. He says the team is incompetent, and he can’t trust the former tag champions.

MVP gives them an opportunity to defend themselves.

Shelton Benjamin defends himself and his partner, telling Lashley that they were the ones doing the dirty work that allowed Lashley to capture the WWE Title. Lashley snaps. He attacks his stablemates, Benjamin and Alexander. Lashley officially kicks them out of The Hurt Business.

The Hurt Business is now just Bobby Lashley and MVP.

Rating: 2/5

I’m glad the bounty offer was clarified, but it doesn’t make much sense for Lashley to kick Alexander and Benjamin out of the group. This makes the tag team look even worse than they were made to look last week. Who benefits?

Backstage with Matt Riddle

When asked why Sheamus attacked him last week, he said he didn’t know why. Maybe Sheamus had a tummy-ache, maybe he has no soul. All he knows is that Sheamus pissed him off. So Riddle is excited for their matchup later tonight. 

Riddle then rides off on his scooter and talks to Titus O'Neil for a bit but is once again attacked by Sheamus.

Rating: 2.5/5

I like this incarnation of Matt Riddle, this goofy stoner with a bunch of questions. I just hope he remains a complete badass in the ring.

Backstage w/ Benjamin, Alexander and Adam Pearce

The tag team rants to Pearce about all they’ve done, then tells him that Benjamin wants a one-on-one with The Almighty. They talk some more, then storm off before Pearce gets a word in.

Rating: n/a

Matt Riddle vs. Sheamus

Some gritty grappling to start this one, even entangling the referee at one point. After plenty of that, this one got ugly. Lots of heavy forearms from The Celtic Warrior. I’m not sure anybody in WWE at the moment throws heavier blows.

Highlight: Riddle with a corkscrew plancha from the second rope, to the outside.

Sheamus put a hold on Riddle that literally peeled the cheeks back on Riddle, showing all the teeth back.

Sheamus picked up the victory after a nice knee-strike exchange was capped off with a Brogue Kick. 

After a short celebration, Riddle dumped Sheamus out of the ring; Riddle is all sorts of fired up.

Rating: 3.5/5

This match was honestly way better than I thought it would be. Sheamus has been doing some really great work this year.

Backstage with AJ Styles and Drew McIntyre

AJ Styles, flanked by Omos, runs into McIntyre backstage. And although McIntyre is ready to fight, they let Drew know that they won’t be coming for that bounty, or the WWE Title opportunity.

He’s focused on The New Day.

Rating: 3/5

I like the logic here of Drew looking to get ahead of this bounty, hunting down potential assailants. But Styles said he’s “focused on bigger things.” What’s bigger than the WWE Championship?

Shane McMahon In-Ring Segment

Shane says that despite his knee injury, which is definitely doing a lot better than Fastlane, he still isn’t entirely healed just yet.

He then shows a fake version of Braun Strowman’s fifth-grade report card. They go class-by-class showing the “D” grades, as well as a poorly photoshopped photo of Braun.

Rating: 0.5/5

The only reason this segment doesn’t get a 0 is because of its brevity. This was bad. Really bad. Probably the worst segment since the beginning of this feud.

Braun Strowman vs. Jaxson Ryker

Strowman started this match by just pummeling Ryker. A spartan kick put Ryker down, followed by a series of throws. 

Strowman hit the Strowman Express on the outside to Ryker, which WWE production met with some locomotive sound effects in the arena, a fun touch.

Strowman then hit his running power slam to put Ryker away in short order.

After the match, Elias and Shane McMahon jumped The Monster Among Men.

Strowman jumps on the mic, choosing the stipulation for their match at WrestleMania. It’s a steel cage match.

Rating: 1.5/5

A squash match isn’t really fun around WrestleMania season, not to mention this is following such an abysmal segment. Can’t say much good about this match, other than I’m glad we’re getting to the payoff soon.

The Dirt Sheet w/ The Miz and John Morrison

The Miz addresses Bad Bunny directly after he was struck in the back with a guitar last week. He promises to pay back Bad Bunny at WrestleMania for the disrespect, and the splinters in the back of The Miz.

It is now time to watch “Hey Hey, Hop Hop”, the new single from “Johnny Drip-Drip” and “MC MIZ” 

I mean, it’s bad but… I don’t know, man. It’s still better than it has any right to be. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bad Bunny actually had a hand in putting this together.

Rating: 3?/5

Bad Bunny comes down to the ring, flanked by Damian Priest. They say they actually liked the song, but can’t wait for Bad Bunny to beat The Miz at Mania.

Miz and Morrison leave the ring, and Priest says he doesn’t need to protect Bunny, he can handle himself.

The Miz approaches Bad Bunny and eats a right hand from the Grammy-winner.

Rating: 3/5

Backstage with Randy Orton

Orton says he’s been fortunate enough to wrestle some of the all-time greats. He rattles off some names but knows that none of them are like The Fiend.

He was so obsessed with getting rid of The Fiend that he forgot the bigger picture and lost sight of Bliss playing the trap on him.

Now, Orton is prepared to stand in front of the sick, twisted abomination and get rid of The Fiend once and for all.

Rating: 3.5/5

I’ve never seen Randy Orton speak with such ferocity, nor has he ever spoken so quickly before.

Bobby Lashley vs. Shelton Benjamin (w/ Cedric Alexander)

MVP is on commentary, speaking heavily in the favor of Lashley, and against Benjamin and Alexander.

Alexander got some early offense in, but Lashley quickly took control by way of a flatliner.

After a distraction from Alexander, Shelton Benjamin hit Paydirt on Lashley, who kicked out at two.

Lashley punished Benjamin for his defiance with a pair of huge spinebusters, and The Hurt Lock put Benjamin to sleep.

Rating: 3/5

Okay, so Benjamin and Alexander now look like a couple of scrubs. So what was the point of having them as tag team champions for so long only to feed them to their friend just two weeks before WrestleMania.?

Backstage with The New Day and AJ Styles

The New Day challenges AJ Styles to a game night before his match with Xavier Woods later tonight.

Rating: n/a

ANNOUNCEMENT: Matt Riddle (c) vs. Sheamus for the United States Championship

Game Night with The New Day

The New Day introduces Styles and Omos to the ring, and they make their way.

The New Day says the winner of these games will decide who the better team is.

First Game: Charades

Kofi and Xavier go first and quickly nail the answer. “A Thousand Miles” by Vanessa Carlton.

Styles and Omos, they couldn’t get “The Lion King”. Omos didn’t even try though…

Second Game: Pictionary

The New Day goes first, they get “rocket ship” with ease.

It is Omos’ turn to draw, he does not want to. Styles draws “the sun”, Omos refuses to guess.

2-0 New Day, a clean sweep. 

Omos says he’s had enough with the games, and he’s ready to best them at Wrestlemania.

Rating: 2/5

I really would’ve liked to see Omos play along, considering he seemed okay with having fun just one week ago. The New Day, on the other hand, is always gold.

Xavier Woods vs. AJ Styles

I like the singles burn that Woods has been getting lately. At first, I wasn’t sure about it, but I had to be reminded how good Woods is in the ring as a singles competitor.

Highlight: Woods hits a dive from the outside, and runs into the ring to do some tummy time.

After Woods mounted some great offense, Omos interfered in the match, causing the disqualification.

Styles and Omos proceeded to beat down X and stand tall.

Rating: 2.5/5

Some strong in-ring action tonight from these two. It’s a shame that this match ended with shenanigans.

Alexa’s Playground Backstage

She’s talking about the dark history of the Jack in the Box toy, how they used to be demonic play-things.

She says this is like The Fiend, trapped until she started turning the handle.

Bliss tells Randy Orton that he won’t know what’s coming next. But she does.

“At WrestleMania, The Legend Killer dies.”

The camera pans out, The Fiend is next to her.

Rating 2.5/5

Classic spooky stuff. Nothing special, nothing offensive.

Backstage with Drew McIntyre

Drew storming around flipping stuff over, he walks right into the locker room. He’s disappointed that no one has tried to go after him. 

He walks up to Braun Strowman, who tells Drew he’ll come after him AFTER WrestleMania.

He finds Humberto Carillo and just throws him like a rag doll.

Matt Riddle apologizes for not being able to wrestle him.

Angel Garza throws a bunch and is quickly taken out.

Drew Gulak eats a headbutt.

Ricochet tells McIntyre that the only reason he won’t do it is because he doesn’t trust Lashley’s bounty. But he challenges McIntyre to a match, and he agrees.

Rating: 4/5

Shayna Baszler (w/ Nia Jax and Reginald) vs Naomi (w/ Lana)

Baszler walks to the ring, flanked by Nia Jax and Reginald. Baszler seems to be sick of Reginald, as am I.

Shayna Baszler immediately goes after the arm, she’s one of the most technically savvy wrestlers on the roster.

Highlight: A full fight breaks out after Reginald is taken off the apron by Lana. Mandy Rose (who was on commentary) and Dana Brooke get involved as well.

With the distraction, Naomi is able to roll up Baszler with an O’Conner for the victory.

Rating: 1/5

I’m really just tired of all the Reginald - Nia Jax nonsense.

Raw Women’s Championship Match Contract Signing

Rhea Ripley and Asuka meet in the middle of the ring with Adam Pearce overseeing the conversation.

Asuka is just dripping with charisma as she calls Rhea Ripley overconfident and overrated.

Rhea says she’s confident enough to tell Asuka to her face that she is going to take her championship.

Both superstars sign the contract.

Asuka tells Rhea that her confidence is borrowed, not earned. Rhea responds by flipping the table, hitting Asuka with it.

Out come the Women’s Tag Team Champions.

Nia and Shayna tell Rhea that she doesn’t deserve a championship match and that they deserve a championship match at WrestleMania.

They challenge Asuka and Rhea Ripley to a tag team match next week on Raw. Which Ripley accepts.

Rating: 2/5

This contract signing was good, truly, but setting up a match with Jax and Baszler next week just makes zero sense. This match doesn’t need to happen, especially not right before WrestleMania.

Backstage with Ricochet and MVP

MVP congratulates Ricochet for finally being a businessman and taking up The Hurt Business’ offer.

Ricochet says he thinks The Hurt Business is full of it but is prepared to beat McIntyre if it means gaining a WWE Championship opportunity.

Drew McIntyre vs. Ricochet

It’s been a while since Ricochet has been in a meaningful match in WWE. I’m thrilled about it. He’s all business tonight, coming face to face with McIntyre before the bell rings, and attacks as soon as the bell sounds off.

A HUGE back body drop and some massive throws from McIntyre put the great aerial superstar flat on the mat in the early going. A second throw puts Ricochet on his feet though, and he’s right back on the attack with a series of kicks.

Highlight: Ricochet walks along the barricade, and leaps off into a dropkick.

Ricochet goes for an early 630, but McIntyre rolls out the way and follows up with the Claymore to fold Ricochet in half.

McIntyre picks up the win.

Just after the pinball, Mustafa Ali attacks McIntyre from behind, but McIntyre fights him off and challenges him to a match.

Rating: 2.5/5

High pace, high stakes. Good. Too short. Ricochet deserves better.

Mustafa Ali vs. Drew McIntyre

Mustafa Ali stayed on the vicious attack, looking to take out the knee of McIntyre. “Chopping down the tree” so to speak.

Ali is already getting more offense in than Ricochet did. 

But even on one leg, McIntyre is incredibly explosive, throwing Ali around while hobbled.

Highlight: Ali looking for a diving crossbody, the Glasgow kiss headbutt puts Ali down.

Claymore, say no more.

McIntyre with the W.

Rating: 3/5

Definitely more entertaining and competitive than the Ricochet match, still making McIntyre seem like an absolute beast.

McIntyre calls Lashley out to finish the job himself, Lashley arrives at the top of the stage.

Lashley walks into the ring to come face to face with McIntyre.

McIntyre says to Lashley that their match is inevitable.

Lashley promises that he’s going to end McIntyre’s career at WrestleMania.

They throw blows, a WrestleMania preview.

Back and forth until McIntyre levels Lashley with a Glasgow kiss, clearing the ring.

KING CORBIN, from SmackDown, appears from behind and assaults Drew McIntyre. He puts McIntyre on his back with a Deep Six. 

Lashley gets in the ring and locks in The Hurt Lock. Once, twice and third time, and incapacitates The Scottish Psychopath.


The throughline of the show was really interesting tonight. On one hand, we have McIntyre looking for someone to jump him, only to realize that the roster is either too busy or too scared. On the other hand, we got two short matches against really talented guys, and lastly a SmackDown cameo from the WWE’s least likeable Superstar, Baron Corbin. I’m just not sure what I thought about tonight. What stuck out to me most was Sheamus vs. Matt Riddle earlier in the night.

Rating: 2.5/5