WWE Monday Night Raw Review - April 12

Ah, the Raw after WrestleMania. A night to reflect on the show of shows, start a new season of programming, and possibly even see a surprise.

Backstage with Bobby Lashley

The WWE Champion is greeted by a couple of superstars and congratulated on his WrestleMania victory. He’s “rolled up” on by Matt Riddle on a scooter, and challenged by the former US Champion.

Lashley initially declines the challenge but is coerced into it when Riddle uses his own words against him.

Rating: n/a

Bobby Lashley vs. Matt Riddle

I love what Riddle is doing these days, but Lashley clearly does not. He assaults Riddle on the challenger’s way down to the ring. This match may not happen, Lashley is brutalizing Riddle. 

Riddle shows some heart and tells the official that he will still compete. But he is absolutely not in good shape already.

Highlight: Bobby Lashley goes to the outside and throws Riddle’s scooter into the depths of the new Thunderdome location at the University of South Florida.

Bobby Lashley beats Riddle senseless for about ten minutes, but when Riddle finally gets some offense going, it doesn’t last long.

Lashley puts The Hurt Lock on, and Riddle quickly taps. 

Rating: 1.5/5

We all know Lashley is a world-beater, but what a separation they’ve created between Lashley and everyone else. Not a great way to build future contenders.

Backstage with Rhea Ripley

Ripley is scheduled to defend her newly-earned championship just 24 hours removed from her victory. She believes her confidence is the reason she is able to do what she does, and she’s ready to prove once again that she is ready for Asuka.

Rating: 2/5

Came off like cardboard, which is a shame because she has such a personality that did not come through tonight.

Cedric Alexander and Bobby Lashley vs. Viking Raiders

It’s time to resume the raid, as this year’s surprise return belongs to Erik and Ivar, The Viking Raiders.

The Viking Raiders have been out of action for seven months, due to an injury to Ivar. 

Alexander and Benjamin spend a good amount of time keeping Erik isolated in the ring, but as Ivar finally gets in the ring, Benjamin and Alexander eat a lot of offense.

The returning Viking Raiders get the big win over Alexander and Benjamin and look to get back on track going forward.

Rating: 2.5/5

I don’t think Erik and Ivar needed to absolutely destroy a pair of extras, but taking as much as they did from Alexander and Benjamin just doesn’t do it for me.

Backstage with Asuka

Asuka says it’s her turn to bring the fight to Rhea Ripley and will be the champion once again.

Rating: n/a

Charlotte Flair In Ring

Charlotte is another surprise return, as she has spent the last 4-6 weeks away from WWE.

Charlotte hilariously taunts the new play-by-play announcer, Annan Virk, into lowering the ropes to help her into the ring.

Charlotte says she’s furious about missing last night’s WrestleMania events and lists the reasons why she wasn’t there. 

She calls Ripley an opportunist and mocks the rest of the locker room for thinking they could replace Charlotte Flair.

She rattles off the name of every female superstar that was featured during WrestleMania and claims to be better than all of them combined.

Charlotte says she’s done apologizing for being as talented as she is. 

Rating: 4/5

This is the Charlotte that we need right now. A truth-telling, arrogant, Queen.

Rhea Ripley (c) vs. Asuka - Raw Women’s Championship

This match begins with strikes as the two superstars exchange blows and recklessly throw hands.

Rhea shows the power, but Asuka turns it into a couple of near-submission situations.

Rhea tosses Asuka out of the ring to create some separation, but after a couple of minutes, Asuka is able to mount some serious offense. Kicks and knees put Asuka back in the driver’s seat, but can’t easily regain her title.

Asuka goes for a dropkick off the top rope and just misses her opponent, which allows Ripley to lock in her hanging leglock.

A back and forth led to a major error when both superstars went down on a botched crucifix/fireman’s carry spot.

They did their best to get their momentum back but everything after definitely fell flat.

Charlotte interfered in the match, somewhat saving the two superstars from themselves. 

Rating: 2/5

Charlotte came off looking like a complete badass, putting Rhea and Asuka out. Rhea and Asuka…not so fortunate.

Backstage with The Miz and John Morrison

The two banter about how stupid social media is, before being approached by Maryse.

Maryse is set to be the guest on MizTV tonight, she and The Miz walk away without waiting for Morrison.

Rating: n/a

Backstage with Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler

Nia and Shayna are watching footage of WrestleMania, where Mandy Rose falls on the ramp.

Mandy approaches them, and Nia tells Shayna that she can handle her. Mandy slaps Nia, and Dana Brooke helps her jump Nia.

Rating: 1/5

I have no words for this other than “make this all stop.”

Alexa’s Playground

Alexa tells her origin story, explaining how she came to be an ally of The Fiend.

It seems that she purposely distracted The Fiend last night, explaining that she no longer needs the dark entity that is The Fiend.

Alexa has a new creepy puppet friend named Lilly. She is creepy.

Rating: 3/5

It’s silly sure, but at least there’s an explanation for last night’s antics.

MizTV with The Miz, John Morrison and Maryse

The Miz claims that no matter what happened at Mania, he is still the most talked-about entertainer in the world.

The Miz and Morrison begin to take credit for Bad Bunny’s success last night, but Damian Priest comes out and puts a stop to that.

This Miz challenges Priest to a match. Morrison does the same. They argue until Maryse tells them to just have a 2-on-1 handicap match.

Miz/Morrison vs. Damian Priest - Handicap Match

Miz and Morrison are in street clothes, and despite an early flurry from Priest, they are able to do some damage.

A starry moment where Priest goes for a dive over the top rope, and barely clears the apron in taking out Miz and Morrison.

Priest hits Morrison with Hit The Lights and attempts to do the same to The Miz but Maryse interferes. Miz is able to roll Priest up, and with his pants falling off, gets his feet on the ropes to win the match.

Rating: 1.5/5

This match did nothing for nobody, this show is real rough tonight.

Backstage with Nia Jax and Shayna Baszler

Nia promises that by the time they’re done with Mandy and Dana, nobody will be talking about them anymore.

Rating: n/a

Mandy Rose and Dana Brooke vs. Shayna Bazsler and Nia Jax

On their way to the ring, Mandy and Dana hold hands to make sure that Dana doesn’t fall down again.

Mandy and Dana get next to no offense, this match goes for just a few minutes.

Nia slips on the ring, giving Mandy and Dana a reason to laugh at her. So much so, that they no longer have any desire to compete.

They take the count-out loss…

Rating: 0/5

I’d give this awful match a negative rating if I could.

MVP In-Ring Segment

MVP tells the WWE Universe that Lashley was so angered by Riddle’s earlier antics, that he did not want to address the WWE Universe tonight.

So MVP says what Lashley was prepared to say. To Drew McIntyre, “you are an absolute warrior” but it’s okay to be number two. 

McIntyre is here tonight and admits that he made a mistake letting MVP distract him at WrestleMania. He tells MVP to keep kissing ass and boosting Lashley’s ego.

McIntyre can’t wait to take the title from Lashley and knock him off of that pedestal.

Braun Strowman has entered the fray. He believes to be at the front of the line, and Drew should get to the back of it.

Randy Orton is here too, and after beating The Fiend, he believes that HE deserves the next WWE Championship opportunity.

Adam Pearce comes out and announces a triple threat match, to determine the number one contender at Backlash.

Rating: 3/5

All of these superstars have a claim to a WWE Title opportunity, so a number one contender’s match makes the most sense. Although, I must admit I’m having a little bit of McIntyre burnout.

Braun Strowman and Drew McIntyre Backstage

Braun tells Drew that he destroyed Shane McMahon last night, and thinks that Drew needs to get out of his way. McIntyre tells Braun that he can just hit a Claymore

Rating: 2.5/5

New Day vs. Elias and Jaxson Ryker

Elias dedicates his song to Shane McMahon, but as he tries to play it, a trombone keeps interrupting him. 

Xavier Woods and Kofi come out and tell Elias and Ryker that they embarrassed the tag team division by being beat up by Braun Strowman alone.

Elias tells The New Day that Omos did the same thing to them, but Woods and Kofi shift the focus back on Elias and Ryker with some jokes.

Ding ding.

Woods and Kofi hit tandem dives, but Woods is taken advantage of with a blind tag.

Elias and Ryker use some tag team maneuvers of their own, showcasing some abilities they’ve yet to previously display.

Once Kofi Kingston is able to tag in, he’s able to clear house. 

Woods and Kofi put Elias away.

Rating: 2.5/5

This match was impressive, showing that Elias and Ryker can actually function as a capable tag team.

Backstage with Randy Orton

Orton is thrilled to be rid of The Fiend and Alexa Bliss and is focused on regaining the WWE Championship. He says he only has to strike once with the most dangerous letters in sports entertainment, RKO.

Rating: n/a

Firefly Fun House

Bray Wyatt is back. He’s so happy. He says that no matter what has happened lately with Alexa, he will always have his fireflies and his true friends.

He’s excited for what comes next, and that he feels reborn. He promises that the Fun House will be strong going forward.

Rating: 2.5/5

This was a weird one. A Fun House segment without an enemy for Bray feels a little empty, but I suspect that Bray is not quite done with Alexa Bliss.

Drew McIntyre vs. Braun Strowman vs. Randy Orton - Triple Threat Match to determine the #1 Contender for the WWE Championship

As the bell rings, Orton slides out immediately, allowing McIntyre and Braun to go after each other right away. 

Orton and McIntyre then work together to suplex Strowman, who follows that by running through both McIntyre and Orton.

McIntyre hits Braun with the steel steps, rendering him disabled for some time.

McIntyre and Orton battle in the ring, and shortly after McIntyre gets the upper hand, Strowman is back to take out both of his opponents.

These three are brutalizing each other, this is one violent triple threat match.

Randy Orton hits his hanging DDT on Braun Strowman with an evil laugh to boot.

He hits the RKO but eats a Claymore while attempting to pin Strowman.

McIntyre pins Orton.

MVP comes out after McIntyre’s victory, to new music by the way. And as he looks on, T-Bar and Mace (formerly of Retribution) attack the new number one contender.

Has MVP found his new Hurt Business associates?

Rating: 3.5/5

This was a pretty good triple threat, setting up a rematch between Lashley and McIntyre for Backlash on May 16th. Still though, feeling a bit of Drew burnout.


Rating: 2.3/5

I’m not really sure why so much of this show was about last night, and I think some of the matches and stories suffered for it. In addition, as I stated earlier, I’m feeling like McIntyre is getting a little too much play at the top of the card. There’s gotta be a fresher matchup for him than Lashley or Randy Orton.

Also, where was Mustafa Ali, Ricochet, Drew Gulak, R-Truth, Humberto Carillo, Angel Garza or plenty of other superstars sitting in catering?


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