WWE Friday Night SmackDown Review - April 16

After a package that showed the result of the WrestleMania triple threat, we are greeted by SmackDown’s new commentary team of Michael Cole and former NFL Punter, Pat McAfee.

Roman Reigns In-Ring Segment

Roman Reigns, flanked by Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal Winner, Jey Uso, and Paul Heyman, slowly makes his way to the ring in 4K.

Roman takes his time to speak, and as the piped-in crowd noise grows louder and more negative, Reigns’ smile grows with it.

Paul Heyman begins to speak, recapping the events of Reigns’ title defense. Praising his accomplishment of stacking and pinning his Hall of Fame opponents.

Roman asks the question we’re all thinking: If Roman can destroy both Bryan and Edge, who can step to him? Who is on Roman Reigns’ level?

With that being said, Roman is ready to head out for the night.

Cesaro, fresh off of his own victory at Mania, comes down to the ring with a confident look on his face.

Cesaro challenges Roman to a match for the Universal Championship, but he disrespectfully declines.

Rating: 2.5/5

Simple promo makes a lot of sense. Cesaro coming out as his next challenger is a great choice.

Backstage with Cesaro, Sonya Deville and Adam Pearce

Cesaro says that he wants a match with Roman tonight, even if it isn’t for the Universal Title. Sonya Deville says she will talk to Roman and see what he thinks.

Rating: n/a

Otis vs. Rey Mysterio

Otis showing off his massive strength advantage early, heaving Rey over his head like a small child. 

Mysterio uses his signature setons and quickness to get the upper hand, but Otis catches him off a crossbody and delivers a World’s Strongest Slam for a near fall.

Rey hits the 619, then goes for a second crossbody but gets caught. Otis looks to slam Rey but gets caught in a crucifix pin for the win.

Rating: 2/5

This was definitely too short, less than five minutes by my count. Nothing bad about it, really, just didn’t deliver enough.

Backstage with Paul Heyman

When asked if Roman Reigns will accept Cesaro’s challenge tonight, Heyman spoke about the beating that Reigns delivered this past weekend. Heyman says his star power is truly not appreciated. He says Cesaro has a billion-dollar body with a ten-cent brain. So he intends to end the charade before it begins, scheduling a match between Cesaro and JEY USO instead.

Rating: 4/5

Heyman spoke with such rhetoric that it came off like poetry. He is the most gifted talker in professional wrestling, hands down.

Sami Zayn In Ring

Sami is on his knees in agony, speaking on his conspired defeat at the hands of Kevin Owens at WrestleMania. Zayn, of course, believes that he was screwed, and distracted by it.

Kevin Owens’ music hits, and he marches down to the ring not to talk some sense into his friend. He’s ready for a fight.

Bell rings, Zayn heads straight for the outside. Owens chases and begins beating him around the ring.

Zayn hangs Owens up on the top rope and then unloads rights and lefts to take control of the match.

Highlight: Zayn hits a sunset flip powerbomb off the top rope on Owens, which pops McAfee.

Zayn and Owens have some back-and-forth action, as these two show why they are two of the best wrestlers on the roster.

Owens pulls out an old classic, the pump handle neckbreaker, but still doesn’t get the win. He goes for the stunner, but Zayn leaves the ring and purposely takes the count-out loss.

After the match, Owens went after Zayn and brought him back in the ring for a stunner.

Rating: 3/5

I’m happy to see these two wrestle as often as they have been, and seeing Zayn on the mic regularly is certainly good for the show.

Backstage with Apollo Crews 

Crews says that all of Nigeria is celebrating after his WrestleMania victory. His heavy, Azeez, looks on menacingly.

Rating: n/a

The Street Profits host Bianca Belair’s Victory Party

The Street Profits are ready for tonight’s tag team championship opportunity, but their focus is first on Bianca Belair’s historic victory. Tez is absolutely fired up for his wife, here. 

The new Women’s Champion is here, and Bianca Belair is grateful for her platform and her opportunity against Sasha Banks at WrestleMania. She goes on to motivate the WWE Universe with inspirational words and came off as really genuine.

Belair and the Profits share a group hug.

Belair tells Ford that he and Dawkins need to win the titles tonight because they “only wear gold in this house.”

Rating: 2/5

Although genuine, it was a pretty cheesy promo from Belair. Her mic work comes off a lot better as a heel.

Backstage with Sasha Banks

Banks is scarred from the hair whip she took at Mania and is livid about it. She doesn’t even get a sentence out. 

Bayley shows up, angry about being ignored at WrestleMania, and embarrassed for Belair for being such a crybaby. Bayley wants a match with Belair.

Rating: n/a

Street Profits vs. Robert Roode and Dolph Ziggler (c) - SmackDown Tag Team Championships

Finally, a proper tag team match between these two pairs, something I’ve been waiting a while for.

Frequent tags by the former champions showcase the camaraderie of the Profits.

Highlight: After a huge shoulder tackle, Tez and Dawk both leave the ring to trash talk a floor cam, very close to the lens.

Back from commercial, Dawkins is still beating on Roode, until an opening made by Ziggler turns into a spinebuster from Roode.

Doesn’t last long, as Dawkins makes the tag to Ford. 

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a dozen times, Montez Ford has the most energetic comeback sequence in the WWE. Dropkicks here, suplexes there, a huge dive and it’s all capped off by a frog splash off the top.

Roode makes a blind tag to Ziggler, who hits the Zig Zag to retain the titles.

Rating: 2.5/5

A really strong showing from The Street Profits, but definitely didn’t see enough from Ziggler and Roode to be convinced.

Backstage with Cesaro

Cesaro knows that he is everything Paul Heyman says he is. That’s why he’s happy to beat Jey Uso and earn a championship opportunity against Roman Reigns.

Rating: 2.5/5

Cesaro comes off well as humble but confident, I’m excited to see him in a main event program.

Shayna Baszler vs. Natalya

With no entrances, these two are set to battle tonight. I’m already unsure what this matchup accomplishes.

Back and forth, nobody ever really in control, Natalya picks up a rollup victory in about two minutes.

Rating: 1/5

My girlfriend asks me during this match, “Why are these the only women that fight every week?” I told her “I’d ask them the same question if I could.”

Cesaro vs. Jey Uso

“Main Event” Uso makes his way to the ring alone, but I would bet that Roman and Heyman are not far behind.

Cesaro goes straight for the spin, not once but twice, but is unable to get it done on Uso.

Highlight: Cesaro leaps off the apron, and eats a superkick on the outside as we head to commercial.

Despite Uso working on the arm, Cesaro is able to hoist Uso up for a single-arm suplex.

The suplex is paired with a leaping crossbody, but it’s not enough to get Cesaro the win.

Cesaro manages a barrage of offense, including a gutwrench suplex, but Uso still kicks out. 

Uso and Cesaro go back and forth, but when Cesaro finally starts to swing Jey Uso, Seth Rollins comes from out of nowhere to interfere and jump Cesaro.

Cesaro wins via DQ.

Rating: 3.5/5

A really good match was ended by the interference from Rollins, as it seems that story is not yet over. Fine by me, I’ll watch these guys wrestle anytime.


This week’s show was…fine. Nothing too special, outside of Paul Heyman’s promo. Nothing bad, except for the unnecessary Natalya/Baszler match. Main Event Uso continues to deliver, and Cesaro is at his best right now.

Rating: 2.6/5


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