The Debate Over a Presidential Self-Pardon
politics Parissa King politics Parissa King

The Debate Over a Presidential Self-Pardon

At the tail end of Trump’s presidency, it was widely speculated that he might try and issue himself a presidential pardon. Perhaps in part because the Justice Department deems prosecution of a sitting president to be unconstitutional, Trump was known to consider himself immune to all punishment by virtue of his position.

(Photo: Kevin Lamarque | Reuters)

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President Trump Should Pardon Edward Snowden
politics Matthew Laurence politics Matthew Laurence

President Trump Should Pardon Edward Snowden

Seven years ago is when Edward Snowden and the conversation around surveillance on American citizens changed forever. The documents he collected and leaked to newspapers around the globe are one of the most important peeks inside the American government's spying apparatus to date. Since then, both his motives and methods of distribution have been topics of heated debate. Some consider him a traitor, others a hero.

(Photo: Laurence Tophman | The Guardian)

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