Music Video Review: 'Gates of Fire' by Silent Winter
How is this new video? Does it truly capture everything that Silent Winter’s song has to offer? Let’s pick up our swords and shields and charge forward!

Film Review: 'Birds of Prey'
The Birds of Prey are faced with a litany of real-world challenges: finding independence after an abusive relationship, persevering in a toxic workplace, leaving a misogynistic employer, creating a respectable public image and finding friendships as an adult.

Sand of The Month Club
A simple joke where one man in the early ’80s, “Bob Butterfield,” amassed a volume of recipients of envelopes filled with sand.

Album Review: 'Order of the Minus' by Project Renegade
While my tastes and preferences in metal lie in other subgenres, this is one album that I can definitely see putting the band in the spotlight.