Behind England’s Kill the Bill Protests
The proposed introduction of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill into English and Welsh law has created tension as well as clashes between the public and police.
Photo: Hannah McKay | Reuters

Vaccine Distribution Exposes Global Inequalities
As COVID-19 cases continued to climb at the beginning of the year, hope appeared in the form of numerous successful vaccines.
(Photo: Hindustan Times | Getty Images)

We Need To Do More To Stop The Genocide Of Uyghur Muslims (Opinion)
China is currently committing genocide against Uyghur Muslims. For seven years the world watched as China targeted Uyghurs for repression, enacted laws governing how they can behave, built concentration camps and then filled them with almost two million Uyghurs.
(Photo: https://www.saveuighur.org/)

Women’s Rights Stripped as Poland’s Abortion Ban Takes Effect
In October, a controversial court ruling in Poland meant that abortion due to fetal defects was unconstitutional. Abortion is now only permissible in cases of incest, rape and if there is a threat to the woman’s life.

Niger: the Crossroads of the Major Migration Routes
The phenomenon of migration from sub-Saharan Africa to territories considered to be safer or economically and politically stable appears to be quite complex to explain. However, to name a few causes, it would seem that poverty, violence, authoritarian regimes, internal conflicts and climate change are the major push factors that bring people to migrate.
(Photo: Mohammad Ghannam | MSF)

'Politics Over Lives' in Bottleneck Bosnia
In Bosnia, thousands of migrants and refugees find themselves battling sub-zero temperatures, internal power struggles and squalid conditions. A humanitarian crisis has arrived on the nation’s doorstep as allegations of border abuse reign from neighbouring Croatia.
(Photo: Fehim Demir | EPA)

A Brief Guide to the Brexit Deal
Britain officially left the European Union on Jan. 31, 2020. However, the country was to keep with EU laws and standards until a trade deal was agreed upon. Little changed in the 11 month transition period.
(Photo: Getty Images)

The End of an Era: Angela Merkel - German Foreign Policy Part II
In 2018, Angela Merkel was named the fourth most powerful person in the world by Forbes magazine, following after Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, and in 2019 the most powerful woman in the world.
(Photo: Andrea Hanks | White House)

Scotland Successfully Tackles Period Poverty
Scotland has become the first in the world to make period products free to all. The Period Products (Free Provision) (Scotland) Bill, was approved unanimously on November 24.
(Photo: Jeff J Mitchell | Getty Images)

Is the United Kingdom Really 'United'?
With the added pressure of the coronavirus pandemic, the UK government has seen the union on the brink of a potential break up.
(Photo: Hannah McKay | Reuters)

Losing Europe
Saber rattling and fiery tweets have caused European partners to doubt the stability and leadership promised by American hegemony. (Photo: Jesco Denzel | German Federal Government via AP)

Putin’s Poisonous Game
In movies, the villain poisons the hero to keep him/her from revealing the truth and fighting evil. What sounds like a scene from a James Bond movie became reality for Alexei Anatolievich Navalny on an inland flight on August 20th.

A Crisis Between Borders
A broken deal has resulted in thousands waiting in inhumane conditions at the Greek-Turkish border. Their intention being to cross into Europe.

Brexit: An Insight into a Broken Britain
If Brexit has proven anything, it’s that Britain is broken. (Photo: Barcroft Media)