$15 a Necessary but Insufficient Boost to Minimum Wage
The federal minimum wage in the US has been $7.25 an hour since 2009. Since then the cost of living has increased significantly, but lawmakers have either been unwilling or unable to raise wages.
(Photo: Andrew Burton | Getty Images)

Biden Airstrikes in Syria Draw Criticism and Concern
As a presidential candidate, Joe Biden promised voters that he would reenter the Iran nuclear deal, which was originally negotiated under Obama.
(Photo: Patrick Semansky | AP Photo)

US: Has the death penalty faced a death of its own?
Public opinion, international outrage and lobbying from human rights groups, as well as the pledge from President-elect Joe Biden, shows death penalty support is dying out within the United States. Marc Hyden, National Advocacy Coordinator at Conservatives Concerned about the Death Penalty said, “As more and more Americans are confronted with the death penalty’s failures – risk to innocent life, high financial cost, failure to protect society, and harm on murder victims’ families – its days are numbered.”
(Photo: Austen Leake | AP)