Review: Bo Burnham's 'Inside'
Like many who have grown up alongside the internet, I have mixed feelings on it’s effects on myself and the world. Bo Burnham, a man who can thank his early fame to the internet, is no different. Although ‘Inside’ is technically billed as a ‘comedy special’ it seems to toe the line between comedy and hour-long-art-installation-that-is-funny. In short, Burnham has created an experience that pokes and prods at, primarily, online claustrophobia. So, I’ll hit the main themes, then you can click the link down below and watch it yourself.
Could I Interest You In Everything, All Of The Time?
The internet is overwhelming, not just in quantity but variety. In Bo’s enchanting Disney-villain-esque song ‘Welcome to the Internet’ he sums up the nefarious undertones of finding Harry Potter porn next to fantasy sports. Doctors on call next to racist chat rooms. Unsolicited dick pics next to news reports of starving toddlers. It’s a lot. Throughout the special, Burnham reveals its effect on him and how he sees it change the world around him.
We’ve had the floor for 400 years, so maybe I should shut the f*ck up...
Bo Burnham has created a special that is thought provoking, funny and profound.
‘...I’m bored. I don’t wanna do that.’ Bo Burnham is a American straight white male. This doesn’t make his perspective unique or unheard of. That said, he’s a smart guy who understands this. Bo’s song, ‘How the World Works’ is a hilarious and off-putting duet with his sock puppet, Socko. Earlier he describes his quest to be ‘woke’ and helpful in a manner that is intentionally self-congratulatory. These shifts between relatable comedy and surprising quips should clash with sudden tension, but the special makes it less of a whiplash and more of a roller coaster.
Here’s a fun idea: how about I sit on the couch and I watch you next time?
A comedy special without an audience. Eerie laugh tracks. Uncharacteristic nudity. Bo looking right back at us through the camera. It begs a discussion of performance; when people portray themselves online can it ever be experienced without critique? But with an audience, online or in person, can a person ever be authentically genuine? Is our personality merely a performance upheld by societal expectations? Bo has written, performed, shot and edited this comedy special for an audience, and appears to struggle with the year-long delay between conception and release. For the rest of us without loyal audiences, does the average person with wifi really need an audience all the time?
It’s discussed most during the entertaining ‘White Woman’s Instagram’ in his parody of bizarre photo shoot sets found on Instagram. The delight is manufactured for the photo. It isn’t candid. It’s not real. We know it isn’t real. But geez, what a grand time they’re having.
‘Inside’ is an experience I wish for all those who (begrudgingly or happily) spend most of their time online. Bo Burnham has created a special that is thought provoking, funny and profound. ‘Inside’ can be found on Netflix. Stream the album on his website.