Presidential Credentials

(Disclaimer: La Tonique Media LLC does not represent any political ideology. While we do not espouse any political beliefs, we do seek to provide a balance perspective by incorporating voices from both sides of the political spectrum.)

By Nick Chavez

Is it safe to say that the job of the President of the U.S. is an important job for an individual to hold? I mean, this person is simply the Commander-in-Chief of the most powerful military force in the history of the world, has immense influence on the domestic legislation of the most important economy ever, and their relationships with other foreign leaders decides which nation-states stand and which ones fall. I make the controversial contention that this person needs to publicly display competence so that the people can use their vote to indirectly elect them through the Electoral College—as they should, or not.

In 2020, the U.S. is once again thrown into the fires of a presidential election, where talking heads on the media discuss how we’re more divided than ever, and we need a leader for unity—and all that jazz. This particular election is strikingly different in several ways: First, the COVID has dominated the news cycle and has changed the very way civilians interact with each other, thus disrupting the campaign strategies the candidates will employ—for the worse I might add. Second, this is the first time I’ve heard discussions of debates being omitted for the benefit of one candidate. Third and finally, voter fraud seems to be a very real threat that can render this election illegitimate. As usual, we have two real choices for our chief executive, the bombastic incumbent Republican Donald Trump, and the highly experienced career politician, Democrat Joe Biden.


President Trump maintains his traction on another four terms.

(Associated Press)

President Trump was viewed as an incompetent candidate in 2016, chiefly because of his lack of experience in the political or military fields. I see the merit of this argument because American tradition has dictated that the President serve as a politician on the national level, a governor of a prominent state, a member of the U.S. military, or some combination thereof. President Trump did none of these and still ascended to the presidency. However, his wild and consistent success as a real estate mogul and media personality demonstrate that he has the mental capacity to achieve and succeed at the highest level; not to mention, the past three years have proved that he is not only a competent politician, but arguably the greatest President the U.S has had in the last 100 years—I’ll happily follow-up on this claim. The success in record-low unemployment across several demographics, moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, the rightful capital of Israel, and historic peace brokerages with the DPRK and South Korea, and Israel and the United Arab Emirates are only a few of his many accomplishments. He still delivers addresses with enthusiasm in his voice and is active from the early hours of the morning to the late evening hours, just look at his absurd Twitter timestamps! He still carries himself with his trademark high energy, and the Trump Train seems to have no brakes.

Contrast the above with former Vice President Joe Biden, a man who fits the presidential archetype. He was a US Senator for 36 years prior to his service as the Vice President in the Obama administration. Biden’s resume is unmatched when it comes to governmental service, in that his service has encompassed foreign policy, judicial nominations/confirmations, and economic policy. His 2020 platform is that of the moderate Democrat, a contrast to the more Socialist—can’t use the c-word or else I’m an “uneducated conspiracist”—wing led by the likes of Senator Bernie Sanders. Biden’s history of consistent political service and his prominence as an establishment Democrat make him the sensible choice for President if the bombastic incumbent is not your bag. However, Vice President Biden is an older gentlemen, who is making several public gaffes that the mainstream media emphasizes or straight-up ignores. Vice President Biden has challenged and harassed hecklers, struggles to form a coherent sentence when reading a teleprompter, and has even chided the identity of Black Americans who want to vote for President Trump. For the very political party, and their media lackeys, to decry Trump as an incompetent candidate, to then turn around and defend these actions from their own candidates’ reeks of hypocrisy at the highest level. There is rampant speculation that Joe Biden has dementia, even within the party. There are memes going around in right-wing circles of this that parody his struggles on the campaign trail. The evidence certainly raises questions about Vice President Biden’s ability to serve in the most stressful office on Earth, for the duration of his term, as he openly admits his is a “transitional candidate”.

Biden is not fit for the Presidency of the U.S. Not only is he up against an incumbent who has had wild success in spite of internal bureaucracy, the media, the Legislative Branch impeaching him, the Judicial Branch leaning left, and the COVID sabotaging the economy that all work together unsuccessfully to impede his work, but because in my opinion, I think that this year’s “October Surprise” will involve a leaked medical diagnosis of some sort of mental compromise from Biden. This revelation will devastate the Biden campaign that may be insurmountable, even with all the above help the Democratic party gets against Trump. Biden is slipping in the polls after the party conventions, and debates are coming, which is where most Americans will see the stark difference between the sharp high-energy President, and the moderately confused moderate challenger. Let’s sit back, relax, and enjoy ourselves in the months ahead.

Nick Chavez is a political writer for La Tonique.


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