Poetry - Mr. Diplomat

By David Boddy

Mr. Diplomat
Always something to say

Speak the unspoken
Balance the books
Make the game
‘Fair to play’

We each have a voice

Vocal strings the chords they’re strung

Draw air in and out

Of two pink lungs

The table is level

In hand, the cards to lay

But not the ear to hear you

If you shy from center stage

Elbows and knees 

Come try if you please

Mr. Diplomat 

We need you in our wood of many trees

David is a lifestyle writer for La Tonique.

David Boddy

His name is David Boddy. Better known online as NomadBoddy. Writing articles and poetry for La Tonique, his work covers all things regarding: mindfulness, wellbeing and sustainable living. Following his love for the outdoors, the natural world and anything wild. Struggling to find comfort and ease with the conventions of modern society, his love for simple, symbiotic and sustainable living has become key in his present walk of life…You can follow his travel stories over on his personal website (nomadboddy.com). There, I also document work in the garden and conservation projects of his own. As well as recipes, healthy living advice and how to find food for free! Finally, he writes poetry and blogs that can hopefully make you think — or feel. He makes a sincere effort to guide and communicate with others who navigate their own path of wellness and understanding of ’self’. In mind, body and soul. He’ll gladly respond to any individuals who reach out to him through the website or by private message to his instagram: nomadboddy.


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