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How Tuning in with Lunar Cycles Helps Me Stay Grounded

Blame it on the full moon. In some way or another, I’m sure everyone has come across an iteration of that phrase or has heard lunar energy referenced as a reason for the way daily life ebbs and flows — much like the tides that the moon influences. 

Traditionally, there are different energetic impulses surrounding phases of the moon. The new moon (when there is no sunlight reflected and the moon has “disappeared” from the sky) is associated with reflection, intention setting, starting new projects or manifesting ideas, and has more passive energy. Conversely, the full moon is associated with heightened emotions, celebrations, excitement and resistance — basically anything that has been brewing under the surface will make itself known. This energy is actually reflected statistically — around a full moon, some studies have shown that there are more incidences of crime, more motorcycle fatalities and women are more likely to menstruate

Being aware of the phases of the moon deepen my understanding of myself by providing me with an anchor for my emotions and desires. (Drew Tilk)

While accidents and crime statistics aren’t all that comforting, being aware of the lunar cycles and how the moon may influence my energy and mood throughout a month is actually really helpful. Not only does it give me a reason to reflect on the things I’d like to bring into my life and those I’d like to let go of, but it also gives me the sense that I can navigate my emotions with a little bit more ease. Rather than be critical of me for feeling overly emotional, overwhelmed, reclusive or reflective, I can attune my emotions to cyclical lunar phases and take comfort in knowing that everything will pass and rise again in its time. 

It’s also not just full and new moons that can impact our emotions. While the new moon is good for manifesting new things and starting fresh, the waxing crescent and up to the first quarter moon are excellent times to take action on the intentions you’ve set. It’s a time for perseverance, moving forward, and taking a new form. When the moon is full, celebrate the successes you’ve had, meet strong emotions with curiosity, and acknowledge anything that has given you resistence or struggle. As the moon begins to wane, you can find time to reflect and appreciate your efforts — emotional, tangible or otherwise — and practice releasing what has given you resistance up to this point. The full moon does an exceptional job at shedding light on the things that aren’t working; when we acknowledge them at the full moon, we can begin to release them as it wanes. Just before the moon becomes new again, a waning crescent is a beautiful time to pause and reflect on the work you have done over the past cycle. It also brings hope that the coming new moon is yet another time to manifest new things, set goals, and begin anew. 

In the end, “blame” is the wrong word — I am not looking to excuse any behavior or emotion that the lunar cycle may enhance. Instead, being aware of the phases of the moon deepen my understanding of myself by providing me with an anchor for my emotions and desires. When I am able to sit with my feelings, I can then become clear on what I want out of my life, and meet myself with less judgment for how I’m feeling at a given time.