Anime and Cosplay: A Modern Fashion Trend

With the rapid increase in popularity of Japanese animation, more commonly known as anime, there has been an equally rapid growth of its fanbases and fandoms. Groups of thousands, even millions of fans gather together to enjoy their favorite animes and these events are becoming a more regular occurrence. But what does this Japanese entertainment phenomenon mean for fashion? 

As an anime enthusiast and fashion studies major, I can say that anime and its corresponding fandoms influence fashion in many ways. Whether it is a design on a hoodie, a logo on an accessory, or just the print of an anime character on a t-shirt, these products give many anime fans and fashion enthusiasts a common appreciation for non-western mediums of art. One should always be mindful and respectful when it comes to incorporating a culture's fashion aspects into your own. It’s always good to err on the side of being very careful, trying to never cross the line from appreciation to appropriation. 

Anime New York City Convention | Jennifer Grainger

Anime New York City Convention | Jennifer Grainger

However, this is one of the anime fashions appeals, with designs that in no way appropriate Japanese culture but instead give fans a genuine desire to learn more about Japan. There are many interesting ways anime has influenced fashion such as through the retro anime aesthetic, or the kawaii anime aesthetic both of which are prolific and unique additions to the medium. But perhaps the most influential way in which anime has slowly integrated itself into fashion is through a very creative form of entertainment, cosplay.

Fans of anime everywhere have grown interested in the idea of experiencing their favorite anime by embodying their favorite characters, which is cosplay’s essence. Rhys McKay, a writer for Who News defines cosplay as “the act of dressing up as a character or a concept.” And how exactly is this a huge part of fashion? One way that cosplay has been integrated into fashion has been in the creative methods of garment construction. Many cosplayers are known for creating their own cosplays from scratch. This DIY attitude is encouraged by the fashion industry because this form of entertainment sparks creativity that comes with garment construction and design. 

Not only is cosplay a way to awaken cosplayer’s design talents, but it also helps those who are not active participants of the anime community to become interested in the many costumes created from scratch. Another way that anime cosplay, or even the fashion found in anime, has been integrated into fashion markets all over the world is that the fashion styles portrayed in animes tend to be very modern. Even if a person does not feel like attending a convention, which is where most cosplay events are held, people can still wear the clothing found in anime on a regular day basis without looking out of place. 

I am certain of this because I am an example; I own and wear a dress seen on Kaori Miyazono from the hit anime “Your Lie in April”. The dress is a knee-high, pastel pink dress with red shoulder strings and a red bow hanging low by the front. The overall dress is sewn together with a lightly ruffled, sleeved white shirt, which pulls together the entire look. I have worn this look for conventions but also during social gatherings with friends, parties, and even when taking a stroll at the park. The beauty about this certain cosplay dress is that it has crossed the line from being exclusive to cosplay into being a regular day’s cute fashion style. Even those who are not familiar with where the dress is from can appreciate its look. The design sparks a positive feeling and even gives people a reason to ask about the dress. Sometimes it can even inspire enough curiosity for them to watch the very series that the dress is from. Not only that but when fans see the dress in public, they feel a sense of familiarity. The anime community can be large and accepting, where all it takes to start a pleasant conversation and even forge a potential friendship is wearing a familiar dress. 

This is the case with many other cosplays. Not only does cosplay bring a sense of familiarity to anime lovers, but it is also an opportunity to remain stylish and playful! It is certain that both anime and fashion have proved to be welcoming mediums for anyone that wants to express themselves freely and incorporating these two has created a world of creativity with endless possibilities!

Darlyn Granja

Darlyn Granja is currently working to get her Fashion Studies Bachelors degree at Montclair State University. Although fashion is one of her passions, her love for the arts has caused her to spend most of her time exploring all forms of art along with her religious Christian studies. She is not afraid to try something new, especially once something catches her interest which has led her to invest her time in: drawing, editing, voice acting, painting as well as violin public music performances.


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