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A Dive into ‘Hurt’ by Arlo Parks

By Cade Guerrero

Usually when I start up an Arlo Parks’ song, I immediately understand what I am going to feel. Melancholy and desolation, it’s a combination that puts me in a rainy day kind of mood. However, with her newly released single Hurt it surprises me with an upbeat tempo coming out of the gate.

Hurt is Parks’ newest single, in a string of 2020 single releases that have included Creep, Black Dog and Eugene. With this recent addition, one can speculate an upcoming album release from the young British artist.

According to an interview with NME Parks’ writes about her past with “temporary pain”. Now, we all have had break-ups, losses and personable depreciation, with Parks’ new single, she wants you to understand you are not alone. 

However with the soulful lyrics, she combats it with a sort of uplifting beat. This is a different vibe from what Parks’ has gone within the past, from my personal favorites like Eugene and Sophie it seems as if Parks wants the listener to obtain hope by coping with pain that we all know leaves eventually.

Parks has been using the same “MO” for the beginning of her career, and it works. She sings for a new wave of consumers, ranging in the age range 15-22 with her demographic being mostly women, me being a 25 y/o male, I absolutely adore her music.

The artist is not afraid to talk about being sad, down on yourself and not holding a complete understanding who you are. If your a teenager scared of entering a world unfamiliar from your comfort, or a middle-aged parent who longs for a different scenery, we can all find a similar feeling within Parks’ music.

“Wouldn't it be lovely, to feel something for once” Parks sings.

Something we have all felt, a longing for the ability to understand emotion. The single is an upward trend for Parks as she continues to impress me with her creativity and lyricism. Hopefully we can anticipate a teaser to a full-length album soon.

You can check out Arlo’s Hurt music video here.

You can follow Cade Guerrero on Twitter @LePetitSheriff.